Today was my first taste of a blatant homophobic remark against me. I knew it was only a matter of time! In fourth period, I began class right off the bat with a quick lecture on parallel lines. They were surprisingly attentive. Being that this is the last period of the day, the students are usually talkative and ready to get out of school. After the lecture, they got practice in working with theorems on parallel lines by making a theorem booklet, then they worked in small groups for the rest of class.
Throughout the small group work, one of my students (Ray) was disrupting class. He kept making animal noises. I firmly reminded him that this was a classroom - not a zoo - and to keep all noises to himself. He did it once more; so, I calmly walked over to him and offered a detention if he couldn't keep his trap shut. He didn't make another noise but, for the rest of class, he kept a stern watch on me.
At the end of class, Ray was talking with a small group of students about how a boy they knew had skipped class. Ray, casually and loudly enough for me to hear, said, "I bet Mr. Howard would skip with him," suggesting that I would engage in inappropriate relations with said student. At first, I was going to let it slide but, after seeing the students' reactions, I quickly pulled him over to my desk. I could see that Ray had been struggling with his homophobia for a while and I decided that this was the time to nip it in the bud.
He sat down in front of me and I began my rant... "Ray, you seem to be under the impression that I am gay or feminine... I say this because I have been hearing these inappropriate and snide comments you've been making about me. I want you to know that these are not acceptable and, if I hear any more of them, you will be sent straight to the office. I have given you respect from day one and there is no excuse for why you can't return the same. I don't care what your beliefs about homosexuality are but, when you enter my classroom, you leave them at the door. Do you understand?"
Mr. Warren was sitting there the whole time and, after I finished, he told Ray to leave the class. I'm glad to know that I have his support.
Throughout this "rant," Ray sat there with a smirk on his face. I hope I got through to him, but only time will tell. One thing's for sure, though: no more Mr. Nice Guy when it's concerned with this issue! =)