Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Start of Summer and Looking for Jobs

I'm not sure if anyone still has any interest in reading this blog, but I had a great idea just a few minutes ago.  If a fabulous gay man like myself is going to go into the profession of teaching, there are many more stories to be told and learning experiences to be had.  Therefore, I have decided to keep up the blog to document anything I experience related to the fields of queer studies and education.  If nothing else, it will serve as a reminder to me to never give up on those who harbor hate and to always live in the light.  :)

So, I graduated from college two weeks ago.  CRAZY...  Does this mean I'm actually a big kid now?  I guess it does because over the past two weeks I've been wearing big kid clothes and visiting high school principals to give them my portfolio.  It's absolutely insane.  There are only two or three openings in my area that I know of, but I'm really hoping I can land a job somewhere.

I visited one school and was just astounded at how active its Gay/Straight Alliance organization was.  I was taken on a tour of the school and I kept noticing these posters that had the words "ally" and "gay" on them.  When I stopped to inspect, I realized the posters were exactly what I thought they were: teachers were outing themselves!  Most said "I am an ally," but others, quite plainly, had "I am gay" written on them.  I could not believe it.  Coming from the school at which I had just student taught, I was awestruck by the fact that this issue could be brought up without the sound of shotguns cocking...

I asked the people who were guiding the tour about the posters and they reinforced their policy on diversity at this particular school: not only is it tolerated, but it is encouraged.  I would love to teach at this school.